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General News
We work with various sectors and stay updated with the latest
requirements so we can help our customers make the best decisions.
Medical Equipment Servicing and Compliance for Hospitals and Aged Care Homes
At ActivTec we pride ourselves on providing market-leading maintenance of medical equipment in hospitals and aged care homes, amongst other healthcare facilities. This is how...
Who We Are & What We Do
For those of you that may be new to this industry or may not be already familiar with ActivTec Solutions and what we do allow...
Servicing the needs of NDIS participants
Are you an NDIS participant? Does your bed or wheelchair need servicing? Or perhaps you're an NDIS provider looking to offer a quality option to...
Our new Medical Equipment Spare Parts Catalogue is now available
The new and improved ActivTec Solutions Medical Equipment Spare Parts Catalogue is now available! This extended version of the spare parts catalogue contains a comprehensive...
Our Customer Portal
Our online customer portal allows ActivTec clients to have a live view of their sites so they are always up-to-date with the state of...
Why you should change the Actuator on your Mobile Hoist
As a medical equipment maintenance provider we strongly recommend that our customers follow all manufacturer’s recommendations when it comes to their patient handling equipment. This...